Business and employee surveys

HRpeople can help with employee satisfaction surveys and workplace assessments


Climate, Culture- and Employee Satisfaction surveys

You get a picture of the employee satisfaction level, which is directly measurable in terms of performance, efficiency and well-being.

You will receive a full report and a conclusion prepared by HR professionals, which indicate concrete proposals and actions to ensure the continued job satisfaction and well-being or, failing that, on which areas should be put in action to rectify their satisfaction.

The survey is anonymous, electronic and is compiled from our templates with an adaptation to your company.


Workplace Assessment (APV)

All companies are obliged – under statutory Decree No 268 from 18. March 2005 of the Law on Occupational Safety and health: at least every 3 years to investigate and take follow-up actions to improve the working environment in the company.
The APV includes several side-effects for business owners and for the continued growth of the company: increased job satisfaction, management development and lower costs associated with occupational disease/accidents.

We draw up questions that directly relate to the health and safety conditions of the industry and the company.


DiSC and MPA Profiling

People have different behaviors because we have different preferences, motivation factors, needs and priorities in our interactions with others. DiSC and the MPA profiling tool measures A person’s behavior preferences and is used in addition to describing a person type of behavior.

Knowledge and understanding of the DiSC and MPA model gives managers and consultants an optimal tool for understanding the behaviour of others and how to handle relationships as well as communicate, collaborate, develop and motivate themselves, colleagues, managers and customers.

Which tool will benefit your company best depends on the situation.

The DiSC profile has given me a better insight into who I as a human being in a workplace. I have become more aware of how I can react and I have been identified development points for myself. The consultant gave a very natural and positive feedback with concrete examples that I already use positively in my daily life.

Account Manager, Scalepoint